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Capturing the pulse of international students can be a dilemma for educational institutions. How can they effectively and efficiently connect with students, whilst capturing depth and authenticity of student sentiment? In fact, there’s a widely untapped resource that could transform this process for institutions, and that’s international education counsellors. These professionals work closely with students along their journey from first enquiry to enrolment, and often form trusted relationships along the way. Their specialised knowledge is an invaluable asset for institutions who may be resource constrained, yet seeking to gather real-time, relevant and actionable student insights.

Benefits of counsellor research

Harnesses the power of personal experience. Counsellors are not merely experts in advising students about their desired academic field, they are also seasoned navigators across the intricacies of the international study journey. They draw upon their personal experiences, some being former international students themselves, affording them distinctive and relevant insights into the myriads of challenges and opportunities that come with studying abroad. Even for those counsellors that have not studied abroad themselves, they develop a deep sense of empathy and understanding of students’ needs and objectives. This personal alignment with students’ and parents’ goals and unique situations is what sets counsellors apart.

Direct connection to the student pulse. Counsellors are an established conduit to the student populace. Their expertise fills information gaps, enabling institutions to develop data-led outreach, engagement and branding strategies that resonate with prospective students and parents worldwide.

A holistic perspective. Where student surveys might skim the surface, counsellor in-depth interviews and surveys offer a comprehensive perspective that merges keen observation with direct interaction. This approach uncovers layers of insight and provide a fuller picture of the international education journey. The human element in counsellor-to-student interaction is critical to building trust and ensuring the student starts their journey on the right foot.

Unveiling student insights from counsellors’ perspectives

Leveraging counsellors can be an accurate method of gathering insights as a proxy for the student community. This article delves into the potential of this approach by showcasing a study conducted by the IQ Research team in 2023. In the below example, a brief outline of the study is provided, along with findings that reveal the counsellors’ depth of understanding of student perspectives.

Seeking strategic approaches to international education recruitment

In 2023, an innovative educational institution was seeking to refine its educational offerings and enhance its appeal in the global student market. The institution partnered with IDP to conduct interviews and a survey among its counsellors, with the aim of understanding the diverse needs of international students and aligning its portfolio and marketing strategies in response.

Method of inquiry for unbiased insights

The study, drew on the expertise of nearly 500 IDP Counsellors from across counsellors from South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa, and North Asia regions. For the survey, the instrument was carefully designed to provide a thorough perspective while maintaining the anonymity of the institution sponsoring the study, ensuring unbiased results. For the in-depth interviews, the semi-structured discussion guide allowed the researchers to not only cover key points of inquiry but also explore additional issues raised during the conversations.

Key take-aways

Determinants of destination selection

Counsellors confirmed that work placements and program availability are the most sought-after features, with some regions placing more emphasis on institution ranking and entry requirements.

In addition to academic features of institutions, international students place high importance on non-academic aspects when selecting destinations such as access to post-study work visa, scholarship availability, and accommodation options. Meanwhile, when selecting institutions to apply to, location, ranking and affordability of tuition fees are the top factors considered by students.

These results are highly aligned with IDP’s bi-annual Emerging Futures surveys conducted among prospective and current students.

Factors affecting program demand and choice

The research revealed demand patterns for various academic programs as well as there being a regional preference for certain fields of study. Business and Administrative Studies, Computer and Mathematical Science, and Engineering and Technology are highly sought after across most source regions, confirming there are global trends towards these popular disciplines. This is likely due to the perceived career opportunities and advancements these fields offer in the current job market within the destination country or in the students’ home countries. Counsellors from North Asia stated that Life and Health Sciences programs have grown in popularity in the last few years. This could have been sparked by local industry influence, government policies promoting healthcare education, graduate employment opportunities, and the COVID pandemic.

Implications to institutions

The nature of students’ preferences is multifaceted. It encompasses a unique blend of quality academic programs, practical outcomes, financial feasibility, lifestyle factors and increasingly a demonstrable return on investment. Institutions that adapt to and cater for these diverse needs are likely to be more attractive to prospective international students.

The research highlights the importance for institutions to tailor their promotional efforts and program offerings to meet the unique demands of each region in order to attract qualified prospective students. Students may be influenced in choosing specific study destinations based on the strength and popularity of programs promoted by institutions into those regions.

Overall, the data underscored the need for a nuanced approach to academic planning and marketing. For educational institutions aspiring to deepen their connection with the global student community, the expertise of IDP Education Counsellors is not just a resource—it’s a cornerstone of meaningful engagement.

Outside of student and counsellor research, IDP’s IQ team has developed a diverse suite of data analytics products and services to help institutions understand student behaviour and study intentions from a student's initial digital search to their arrival on campus. These include:

IQ Portfolio: This tool offers course-level data benchmarked against competitors. It assists institutions in optimising their portfolio by providing insights into which courses are performing well and where adjustments may be needed. IQ Demand+: Focusing on subject/sub-discipline trends, this tool helps institutions to visualise, track, and forecast student demand, with features that will inform in-market recruitment and marketing activity.

IQ Benchmarking: Empowers institutions to identify competitors and benchmark their performance across the entire student recruitment funnel. The tool includes an analysis of conversion rates, providing a competitive edge to institutions.

IDP’s IQ team conducts global student and counsellor research to collect valuable market insights for institutions. Contact us for more information about how IDP can support your institution with international recruitment and strategic planning.

CP - Image - Aurora Velante
Aurora Velante27 June 2024