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IDP’s first-ever Virtual Expo for international students currently studying in Canadian high schools will take place Saturday, October 23, from 9 am to 5 pm EST. More than 300 international students in Grades 10, 11, and 12 will attend the event to learn more about post-secondary options at 21 top Canadian colleges, universities, and institutes including the University of Alberta, University of Ottawa, and George Brown College.

The students’ home countries span an impressively diverse range: Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Iran, Italy, Hong Kong, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and Vietnam.

The number of nationalities represented among student attendees is a draw for institutions whose goals increasingly include the diversification of their international enrolments.

At the Virtual Expo, students will receive advice about preparing applications and hear about scholarship opportunities – and five lucky attendees will receive a $500 scholarship.

Robin Garcha, Client Director at IDP Connect, says, “We’re creating an opportunity for international students in high school to learn more about some of Canada’s top colleges and universities. IDP is committed to connecting international students with excellent study experiences. Our clients appreciate our extended reach, attentive care for all of our students, and strong partnerships. Our goal is to facilitate stronger pathways across Canadian school and higher education sectors, making it easier for international students to move from one program or level to the next.”

Because the students attending the Virtual Expo are already living in Canada, they have already acclimated to Canadian society and academic culture, facilitating their transition to post-secondary programs around the country.

Platform will facilitate connection, questions, and answers

A crucial stage in international students’ decision-making is the exploratory research period, when students:

• May not be aware of programs and institutions that are a perfect fit for them;

• Have questions that need to be answered before they will apply.

The Virtual Expo will thus provide a platform for participating post-secondary institutions to showcase their programs and connect with student prospects at a key point in the enrolment funnel.

For more information, please contact us at idp-connect.com/contact.

CP - Author Image - Meghan Krohn
Meghan Krohn22 October 2021